11 Text Styles

  • 11.1 Text Styles
  • 11.2 Text Style Binding Forms
  • 11.3 Controlling Text Style Mappings
  • When specifying a particular "appearance" for rendered characters, there is a tension between portability and access to specific font for a display device. CLIM provides a portable mechanism for describing the desired text style in abstract terms. Each CLIM "port" defines a mapping between these abstract style specifications and particular device-specific fonts. In this way, an application programmer can specify the desired text style in abstract terms secure in the knowledge that an appropriate device font will be selected at run time by CLIM. However, some programmers may require direct access to particular device fonts. The text style mechanism supports specifying device fonts by name, allowing the programmer to sacrifice portability for control. [annotate]

    [text style, Concept← A Glossary]
    [text style, Concept← A Glossary]
    [text style, Concept← A Glossary]
    [text style, Concept← 16.4.3 Text Output Recording, stream-add-string-output]
    [text style, Concept← 16.4.3 Text Output Recording, stream-add-character-output]
    [text style, Concept← 15.4 Text Protocol, stream-line-height]
    [text style, Concept← 15.4 Text Protocol, stream-string-width]
    [text style, Concept← 15.4 Text Protocol, stream-character-width]
    [text style, Concept← 11.3 Controlling Text Style Mappings, text-style-mapping]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1.1 Text Style Protocol and Text Style Suboptions, text-style-ascent]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1.1 Text Style Protocol and Text Style Suboptions, :text-size]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1.1 Text Style Protocol and Text Style Suboptions, :text-face]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1.1 Text Style Protocol and Text Style Suboptions, :text-family]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1.1 Text Style Protocol and Text Style Suboptions, text-style-components]
    [text style, Concept← 11.1 Text Styles, text-style-p]
    [text style, Concept← 10.1 Medium Components, (setf medium-text-style)]
    [text style, Concept← 10.1 Medium Components, (setf medium-default-text-style)]