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A small collection of essays on various topics.

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Writing an essay can be a daunting task for many. It requires organizing ideas, constructing logical arguments, and backing them up with evidence. To succeed in essay writing, one must
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possess excellent research skills as well as the ability to structure and organize complex ideas effectively. Ultimately, essay writing is a skill that needs to be perfected over time. Fortunately, there are essay writers online who specialize in helping students craft quality essays on any topic. By hiring such an essay writer online, you have access to expert assistance that will ensure your essay stands out from the rest. An essay writer online can provide you with invaluable guidance to help make sure your essay meets all of the required criteria while successfully communicating your ideas.
When writing an essay on any topic, it is important to consider both the structure and content of your essay. This includes selecting a topic, researching relevant information, and properly structuring the essay with logical arguments and valid sources. To help make the essay-writing process easier, many writers opt for essay writer service to provide them with assistance in essay writing. Essay writer services can provide experienced professionals who can assist in creating compelling essays that are tailored to meet any requirements. They also offer editing services to ensure that grammar, punctuation, and syntax are correct as well as ensuring that all information is up-to-date.


Books that we have written and published.

Science and Technology

Currently only about topics related to computing, but other material will be added in the future.


Currently empty, but material will be added in the future.


Contains a short essay arguing that people should not be allowed to fly commercial aircraft, and that it would better to let computers do it instead.


Currently empty, but material will be added in the future.


Currently empty, but material will be added in the future.


Currently contains a single essay stating my position on school uniforms. More material will be added in the future.


A few essays in and about different languages.


A few essays about interesting psychological phenomena.